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Elder Abuse


If you are an older person who is being harmed by the actions of someone else, such as a family member, friend, neighbour or carer, you may be experiencing elder abuse. 

Elder abuse is defined as:

'a single or repeated act, or lack of appropriate action, that occurs in a relationship with an older person where there is an expectation of trust and where that action causes harm or distress to the older person.' (World Health Organisation)

Elder Abuse can include:

  • physical violence
  • financial abuse
  • emotional or psychological abuse
  • social isolation
  • sexual abuse, and
  • neglect.

It may be difficult to talk about these things if they are happening to you, but there are many services that can support and help you. 

If you, or someone you know, is experiencing elder abuse, you can:

More information about elder abuse and how you can get help is available in our Find Legal Answers section on Elder abuse.